La pratique du désencombrement, qui vise à se débarrasser d’objets souvent inutiles, connaît un véritable succès depuis quelques années. En Suisse, cette pratique se professionnalise de plus en plus.Le désencombrement, un phénomène en pleine croissance en Suisse. Cette tendance se [...]
13 Août 2017 – Par Camille Andres, Ils se désignent comme des organisateurs professionnels et sont spécialisés dans le tri, l’organisation, le rangement. Rencontre avec des experts d’un nouveau genre, aujourd’hui très demandés. Comment désengorger sa maison, des livres aux [...]
Virginie Dor is the founder of Space of Mine, a professional business specializing in residential organizing that provides services through Geneva and Lausanne. With knowledge, dedication and care, Virginie Dor is committed to helping individuals and families better their lives, take control of [...]
Published:15 mai 2016 : by 5 tips to be more organized To be honest with you, I had NO idea what a professional organizer was or what he/she did. Therefore I was very interested to meet Virginie Dor, the [...]
Bring some order into your life with Space of Mine Published: 08 November 2015 by How many times have you wondered what it would be like if you had more time to organize your belongings and bring some order to your life? How much calmer would you be, if all the unnecessary clutter was [...]
Published: 06 January 2016 by By Virginie Dor, Space of Mine January is Get Organized (GO) Month! According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, organizing is the second-most popular New-Year’s resolution, just after losing weight! Thinking [...]